Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Climate Change: a Panel Discussion in the Age of Stupid

This second post to SANBI-snippets goes back to an evening held at Kirstenbosch a few weeks back................
On 16 Sept 2010, the thought provoking film, "The Age of Stupid", was screened at SANBI's Kirstenbosch Research Centre to an audience of approximately 100. This was followed by a discussion session, led by a panel of climate change scientists. The panel comprised:
Dr Peter Johnston (Chair), Climate Systems Analysis Group at UCT; Drs Guy Midgley and Phoebe Barnard, Bioadaptation and climate change programme at SANBI; Dr Suzanne Carter British Consulate General Climate change policy office; and Akhona Nokeva, Social Science student at UCT .

The evening was hosted by the Climate Action Partnership, Conservation International, SANBI, the Endangered Wildlife Trust, and the British Council (who had screening rights for the film). STEPS and SANBI did the video recording.

The set of clips posted to You Tube are as follows:


· Akhona Nokeva gives the student perspective:

· Suzanne Carter talks about policy and negotiations:

Some good input came from the floor, but unfortunately the sound was not good enough for postable clips. However, if you would like to view the footage for any reason, contact George Davis at g.davis(at)

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